Murat Gonul, an IFBB professional bodybuilder who was Canadian and of Turkish descent, allegedly died at the age of 46.

Murat Gonul tragically passed away, sources from Rx Muscle initially revealed on January 10, 2023. Gonul's cause of death is not yet known.

Who was Murat Gonul?

Murat Gonul was born on January 6, 1977, in Istanbul, Turkey. Whenever he was on stage, his love for bodybuilding was evident. He initially gained notoriety in the IFBB at two professional exhibitions in 2019 while flaunting an amazing v-taper and proportionate physique.

At the New York Pro, which was widely regarded as the third most prestigious bodybuilding competition after the Arnold Classic and Mr. Olympia, Gonul placed 14th in his professional debut. The Niagara Falls Pro saw him finish in eighth position as a result.

He chose to compete in the 2021 Toronto Pro Supershow and finished sixth. Gonul was known for making consistent progress. A year later, at the Toronto Pro Supershow in 2022, he would give his last performance. He demonstrated his abilities against top competition but ultimately finished behind Hossein Kalateh.

Murat Gonul's career

Murat Gonul, a native of Istanbul, became passionate about physical fitness at an early age. In Men's 212, he invested the time to establish a top physique. He made his stage debut in 2000 and later won the 70kg class at the IFBB Turkey World Championship Bodybuilding competition.

Gonul was introduced to the IFBB Pro League in 2018. He participated in the 2019 New York Pro, following which he made tremendous progress. Gonul had two performances in the previous two years. After placing sixth in the 2021 Toronto Pro Supershow, he was able to place second at the 2022 Toronto Pro Supershow.

Murat's cause of death is not yet known

Not much information is known about his passing. Gonul's wife was a member of Team Green, whose physique coach Jason Green made the admission that Gonul was on vacation in Costa Rica and had trouble getting back to Canada.

In the coming days and weeks, a GoFundMe page will be created to help with Gonul's funeral costs and any additional costs his family or loved ones have incurred.

Other bodybuilders who died in mysterious circumstances

Gonul's passing is the latest illustration of how deadly bodybuilding is. In 2021, a few athletes passed away unexpectedly, shocking the neighborhood. Many believe that George Peterson and former Mr. Olympia Shawn Rhoden's tragic deaths were caused in part by cardiac issues.

The unsettling pattern persisted in 2022, the year when 44-year-old Cedric McMillan passed away. His wife said in a statement that his cause of death is still unknown, despite some speculation that cardiac issues were involved.

At the age of 46, Jerry Ward, a well-known IFBB/NPC judge and bodybuilder, went away suddenly in his hotel room. Ward's death was attributed to deep vein thrombosis, according to his wife and the coroner.

Even seven-time Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger declared that bodybuilding has become the most hazardous sport in the world given how many athletes have recently tragically perished. According to Arnold, bodybuilders who prioritize size and muscle over other divisions, particularly those in the Men's Open, are putting their lives in jeopardy.

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